HomeGrowth mindset - need some inspiration when you're down, then watch these!A brilliant video never giving up when you are losing... badly!

A brilliant video never giving up when you are losing... badly!


Jenson Button (Formula 1 world champion) was havign an absolute nightmare at the 2011 Canadian Grand Prix. He was involved in crashing his car numerous times and was dead last at one point. Watch about how he used resilience in one the best races Formula 1 has ever seen

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Dick and Rickie Hoyt

Do you ever feel like there's a barrier to doing something? Well watch this story about father and son triathlon team, Dick and Rickie Hoyt. After watching this, you'll be inspired to smash that barrier, and do achieve the impossible.

Resilience - what is it?

Here are 5 ways you can build resilience. Just watch.

Make mistakes, even if it hurts, its the best way of learning!

Watch Lachie from Australia who is a young skateboarder. He proves that with a growing mindset and belief, that you can develop your talents.