Welcome back. Some important messages and a tour of the school ahead of reopening on Thursday 3rd September.
Here is the latest Head teacher's video during lock down. A short one this week with a reminder about the Sock Olympics and a message about September’s reopening plans.
Here is the seventh Head teacher's video during lock down. The next challenge which is all about fashion. So if you have photos of any hairstyles or fashion designs email them to enquiries@hawthorn-tree.lincs.sch.uk by Friday 19th June with the subject line 'Fashion @ home'.
Here is the sixth Head teacher's video during lock down. We forgot to mention the next challenge which is all about home baking. So if you have photos of any homemade cakes, biscuits and/or desserts, email them to enquiries@hawthorn-tree.lincs.sch.uk by Wednesday 10th June with the subject line 'Baking @ home'.
This week’s HT message comes from around Hawthorn Tree School ahead of the 1st and 8th June reopening for groups.
Andy Fox, consultant in public health for Lincolnshire County Council, talks through the steps schools will take if there is a confirmed case of Covid for a pupil and/or staff member at the school.
Andy Fox, consultant in public health for Lincolnshire County Council, talks through the steps schools will take if there is a suspected case of Covid that presents in school.
Thank you to those who sent their fashion based photos and videos for the Fashion Challenge. We like your creativity! Stay stylish.
Wow! Fantastic cakes and treats from our Hawthorn Tree pupils. Watch out Prue and Paul!
Thank you to all who submitted their teams for the Premier League XI challenge. There are some great teams there, but Mr Kelwick-Clough-Ferguson still thinks his team is the best. Stay tuned for the video at the end by Mrs Walmsley from our governing body.
Thank you to all who submitted their pictures and videos for the ‘Sport @ Home’ challenge. Keep safe and keep active!
Thank to all who submitted a photo or video. Be proud of your creations.
Apologies for the delay but here are the jokes.... enjoy!
Part 1 (22 minutes) of this years Key Stage 1 Christmas Production, Santa's Setbacks. Thank you to all who joined us for the Tuesday and Thursday productions. We've filmed this for the website in case any families missed the production or may want to watch it again.
Part 2 (final 2 minutes) of this years Key Stage 1 Christmas Production, Santa's Setbacks. Thank you to all who joined us for the Tuesday and Thursday productions. We've filmed this for the website in case any families missed the production or may want to watch it again.
The series begins with Jessie and her dog, named Dog, as they watch videos online using a tablet. Together they learn that while the internet can be enjoyable and fun, there are sometimes things online that can be upsetting or scary. Jessie learns that she can always speak to a grown-up who will be able to help her and put down the tablet if there is anything she sees or hears online that makes her feel worried, scared or sad.
Here we meet Mo and Tia, who together with Jessie complete the friendship trio. At Tia’s birthday party they use Tia’s older brother Kyle’s mobile to take fun photos of themselves. The trio agree to send their photos to Tia’s nan but also a few other people whose numbers are saved in Kyle’s phone. When the photos are shared with other children at their school without their permission, they turn to their teacher for help.
Jessie, Tia and Mo are playing the exciting online game Avelzon where they are trying to beat their nemesis Dr Yekl. A ‘friendly’ unknown gamer starts chatting to Jessie in the game and offers to help the ‘Supertotalmegaheros’ in their quest. However Jessie soon discovers that the gamer’s intention is not to help the friends, but to trick them into losing instead. Jessie, Tia and Mo learn that when playing online games they should keep their personal information private, only talk to people they know.
This is Play Like Share Episode 1/3 from Thinkuknow, the NCA-CEOP Command’s education programme. Play Like Share aims to help 8-10 year olds learn how to stay safe online. The series follows the adventures of Sam, Ellie and Alfie as they form a band and enter their school’s Battle of the Bands contest, taking on the mean but ‘cool’ Popcorn Wizards as they go. The three friends learn that while the internet can help them in pursuit of their goal, they need to use it wisely and safely.
The three friends learn that while the internet can help them in pursuit of their goal, they need to use it wisely and safely and that ultimately, doing your best, including others and nurturing genuine friendship is much more important than how popular you are.
The series follows the adventures of Sam, Ellie and Alfie as they form a band and enter their school’s Battle of the Bands contest, taking on the mean but ‘cool’ Popcorn Wizards as they go. The three friends learn that while the internet can help them in pursuit of their goal, they need to use it wisely and safely
Our Year 6s bring you the good news stories from around the world today in their short news bulletin – 5th May 2020
Our Year 6s bring you the good news stories from around the world today in their short news bulletin – 4th May 2020
Our Year 6s bring you the good news stories from around the world today in their short news bulletin – 1st May 2020
Our Year 6s bring you the good news stories from around the world today in their short news bulletin – 30th April 2020
Our Year 6s bring you the good news stories from around the world today in their short news bulletin – 28th April 2020
Our Year 6s bring you the good news stories from around the world today in their short news bulletin – 27th April 2020
Jenson Button (Formula 1 world champion) was havign an absolute nightmare at the 2011 Canadian Grand Prix. He was involved in crashing his car numerous times and was dead last at one point. Watch about how he used resilience in one the best races Formula 1 has ever seen
Here are 5 ways you can build resilience. Just watch.
Watch Lachie from Australia who is a young skateboarder. He proves that with a growing mindset and belief, that you can develop your talents.
Do you ever feel like there's a barrier to doing something? Well watch this story about father and son triathlon team, Dick and Rickie Hoyt. After watching this, you'll be inspired to smash that barrier, and do achieve the impossible.